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About Foster Parenting and Adoption
Kulima Care Family Services is based out of Louisville, Kentucky, where we provide foster care services, adoption services, and case management solutions. We’re a people-focused organization rooted in the belief that everyone deserves to have a healthy family. It’s our genuine honor to connect kids with homes where they can thrive.
Becoming a foster parent is a profoundly powerful calling, and we’re here to help.

We're In This Together
Did you know that foster children receive less than 50 percent of what it actually costs to raise a child? We can change this statistic together! Partner with us, and you’ll get the training and support you need. We tend to both you and your foster child, addressing any trauma the child may have and helping everyone thrive.
To qualify as a foster parent, you must be over the age of 21 and be able to offer a safe, secure home environment. Other requirements include:
Attending an agency orientation
Submitting an application
Submitting a medical statement from your medical provider
Submitting proof of income
Providing references
Clearing an FBI, Criminal, and Child Abuse & Neglect Background Check
Completing required training hours
Completing a Home Study Evaluation and...
A few other items!
Don't let this list overwhelm you! When you partner with Kulima Care Family Services, we’ll guide you through the process, helping you take care of every detail so a child can find hope and stability in your home.

Qualities of a Foster Parent
Whatever the motivation, it’s important that potential foster parents have the following qualities:
- Patience
- Flexibility
- Emotional Intelligence
- Good Communication Skills
- Compassion
- Empathy
- Team Player
- Willingness to Learn and Share
- Cultural Competence and Awareness
Foster Care Statistics
- 424,000 children are currently in foster care the United States.
- 9,156 children are currently in foster care in Kentucky.
- 122,216 children are waiting to be adopted.
- 71,335 children are waiting to be adopted whose parental rights were terminated.
- 66,035 children adopted with public child welfare agency involvement.
- Opening your home can change these statistics for good!
Interested in Adopting?

Currently, more than 71,000 children without legal parents are waiting to be adopted. Let’s change that together! If you’re longing to expand your family, Kulima Care Family Services is here to help. We specialize in assisting with adoptions of children within the custody of the state because it is far more affordable and realistic for families. The benefits of our process include:
You won’t be burdened by adoption fees and court costs because they’re covered by the state
Any other costs you may incur can be covered by adoption tax credits
The state offers financial subsidies for children adopted through foster care
Adopted foster youth receive college tuition waivers
Connect With Our Specialists Today
Please note, adoptive parents must meet the same requirements and qualification for foster care mandated by the state of Kentucky.
Benefits of becoming a Foster/Adoptive Parent:
You’re helping children and youth have better lives by providing them with stability and a firm foundation to build their future upon. Even if you only have a child for a few months, you have the ability to teach lifelong lessons and demonstrate positive examples of how a healthy family functions. A monthly non-taxable reimbursement is provided to aid in the expenses of caring for children and youth placed in your care.
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If you’ve come this far, you likely have some questions about the adoption and foster care process. We’d love to help you get started!
Fill out the form below and we will be in touch!